New Publication – Jan 2025
Recent work by the Durham and P&G teams has improved the parameterization of dissipative particle models. This research is widely…
EPSRC News Story
Cutting-edge chemistry will help new laundry detergents clean up New tools harnessing advances in fundamental chemistry are aiding the development…
New article accepted for publication: “A many-body dissipative particle dynamics parametrisation scheme to study behaviour at air-water interfaces”.
In this article by the Durham and P&G authors, we introduce a new parameterization scheme that allows surfactants to be…
New article accepted on modelling whole surfactant phase diagrams.
Investigating anionic surfactant phase diagrams using dissipative particle dynamics: development of a transferable model. Sarah J. Gray, Martin Walker, Rachel…
The ANTENNA Team at the NIC
Bi-annual Meeting
The bi-annual ANTENNA meeting takes place on Tues. Jan31st – Wed. 1st Feb. at P&Gs Newcastle Innovation Centre. We are…
ANTENNA – Advanced tools for predictive cleaning in a world of resource scarcity
Welcome to the webpages of the ANTENNA grant – an EPSRC/P&G sponsored Prosperity Partnership